SDG 5: Gender Equality
Join me for a deep dive into the fifth Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 5 Gender Equality, which looks at all dimensions of gender equality including economic, political and societal inclusion and participation; eliminating violence and harmful practices against women; and ensuring sexual and reproductive health.
COP26: The Big Issues
COP26 in Glasgow is just around the corner. Here is everything you need to know about the big issues on the table.
SDG 4: Quality Education
Join me for a deep dive into the fourth Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 4 Quality Education. It covers multiple dimensions of education, training, and development. It also addresses issues of accessibility, equity, and quality.
Code Red: New Climate Change Report Summary
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just released the a new report on the current state of climate science and the UN is calling it a Code Red. In this video, I summarize the main takeaways so you don’t have to read 4,000 pages ;)
3 Things You Should Know Before Applying to the UN
In some ways applying to the United Nations is just the same as applying to any job but there are a few peculiarities in the system that you should be aware of before you submit your application.
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Join me for a deep dive into the third Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 3 Good Health and Well Being, the largest goal in the entire 2030 Agenda! It covers a large range of topics related to preventing and treating sickness and prolonging life expectancy.
How Climate and COVID are Interlinked
The links between Climate and COVID are two way, meaning that climate change has an effect on pandemics and diseases AND this particular pandemic will have an impact on climate change. Learn more about the ways these two interact.
IEA’s Net Zero Report is a Blow to the Fossil Fuel Industry
The IEA has launched a new scenario for achieving Net Zero by 2050. Learn more about what’s in it and why the fossil fuel industry is shaking in its boots because of one line in the report.
The Basics of Sustainable Finance
In this video, I provide a basic overview of sustainable finance and some of the major investment strategies employed for social and environmental considerations and impact.
Is Carbon Footprint a Scam?
Carbon footprint is a commonly used and accepted tool for thinking about the impact our actions have on the climate, but do you know where it came from? It turns out that it has rather questionable origins which point to a bigger issue - do the solutions to sustainability rest in the choices of individuals or the structure of our systems?
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Join me for a deep dive into the second Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 2 Zero Hunger which covers a range of topics related to ending hunger including achieving food security, improving nutrition, empowering small-scale farmers, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Why 2021 is a Big Year for Nature
2020 was slated to be the “Super Year for Biodiversity” but COVID flipped that expectation upside down. Now a variety of crucially important events are set to take place in 2021 that could shape the global nature agenda as we know it.
SDG 1: No Poverty
Join me for a deep dive into the first Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 1 No Poverty. In this video, I explain the meaning behind the targets included in this goal. I also provide the most recent statistics on where we currently stand in our path to achieving this goal.
Four ways to get your first job at the United Nations
So, you want to work at the United Nations? It’s a massive organization and getting your foot in the door can be tough. This video provides a quick overview of 4 ways you can get that first gig in the UN system that can open doors to a longer term career.
The US is back in Paris Climate Agreement!
The US is back in the Paris Climate Agreement! Learn about the journey from its role in reaching the agreement, becoming a signatory, withdrawing, and rejoining… and why it matters this year in particular.
COVID’s Impact on Gender Equality
An exploration of the links between the COVID 19 pandemic and gender equality, and suggestions for gender-sensitive response strategies.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Explained
My attempt to break down everything you need to know about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs in 10 minutes or less.
A Non Boring Definition of Sustainable Development
In my first-ever video, I start at the very beginning with the definition of sustainable development and the history of the term. It’s a bit basic but also a great place to start!